7 results for "Flex Monthly"
How do Flex schedules work?
SummaryUnless you are an irrigation professional, have been educated by one, or are self-educated, this method of watering is going to seem a bit out of the ord...
How should I setup Flexible Monthly Schedules?
SummaryThis article will help you identify some of the best practices for when you are creating a Flex Monthly Schedule, such as how to group zones of similar v...
How do I edit duration and frequency on Flex Monthly Schedules?
SummaryFlex Monthly Schedules recommend a predictable monthly schedule using historical ET data to adjust the watering interval and duration on a monthly basis ...
Seasonal Shift FAQ
SummaryYou noticed that your schedule had its watering durations adjusted and might wonder why. At your history tab, you can see that a seasonal shift was appli...
Advanced Zone Settings - Sprinkler Controllers
SummaryThis article explains how to edit Advanced Zone settings and explains each setting in detail. Advanced Zone Settings are primarily used for Rachio's ...
Flex Monthly Schedule FAQ
What are Flex Monthly Schedules?Flex Monthly Schedules determine an optimal, predictable monthly schedule using historical ET data to adjust the watering interv...
Scheduling FAQ - All about watering schedules
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio online and working, you may wonder how to create and edit a schedule to help you save water. In this article, we'll wal...